Types of Topics


You can compare topics of a same category which one another.

You can mark your preferred topics as favorite.  You can access your favorites from your personal account page.

Gather information in built-in questionnaires and send it over when ready.

This is where you can keep track of all your content (favorites, saved and sent questionaires, orders).  In a short future, you shall be able to sort them according to your own tags.

you can filter the topics by types and categories

The search function allows to seach any keyword in the filtered topics or  in all the website.

Each topic is categories based on this website’s taxinomy, whose main parts correspond to our 4 fundamentals.

More functionalities are currently being developed.  One of them relates to the preparation of a Project definition, forming an essential step in the preparatory steps towards a flexible pricing plan.

Check-out the topics now!