Our clients: stakeholders in a business
A company needs natural persons to operate, whether or not it is a legal person. In this respect, the legal personality of a legal person does not prevent that without natural persons to compose its decision-making bodies and to represent it, the company is no more than a set of data in the books of a bank, in the crossroads [...]
Our clients : social sector businesses
We advise companies that participate in the social economy. These companies have distinct legal natures but have in common that they share, to varying degrees, a particular purpose of service to the community. Through their joint efforts, the share of these companies in the global economy and in employment is increasing. The associations First, associations that are not for [...]
Our clients: for-profit businesses
µAs regards commercial matters, most of our clients are companies as most businesses operate their activities within a corporate vehicle, with or without legal personality. As soon as two people allocate assets to carry out a joint venture, in order to share risks and profits (or to benefit from savings resulting from their cooperation), there is a company. As [...]
Explainer video of the Law of March 27, 2020 (state guarantee)
Two days ago, on 1 April, the law of 27 March 2020 on the state guarantee came into force. This is a law with special powers empowering the government to grant a state guarantee up to a maximum amount of EUR 50,000,000,000 to guarantee credits to companies as part of the fight against the economic consequences of the coronavirus crisis. [...]
Aides aux entreprises en cette période de crise sanitaire (COVID-19)
download a pdf version here The health crisis that we are experiencing has a very negative impact on the economy and a lot of Belgian companies are suffering from it. Fortunately, in Belgium, there are provisions that allow companies (in the broadest sense) to benefit from favorable regimes. While some of these provisions already existed before the health crisis, others [...]
Our new website is live !
After several months of incubation, we are proud to present our new website. This is a bitter launch but still a launch and we are very happy to be here. We are in the process of enhancing the latest functionnalities an filling content. This a tool that we will expand gradually.
CRM – Capacity Remuneration Mechanism
On 4 April 2019, the Belgian Parliament approved a Bill on the capacity remuneration mechanism (CRM). The CRM complements the existing energy markets and ensures that sufficient capacity is available to secure the supply of electricity. This mechanism also meets the concerns of Belgian companies with the imminent nuclear phase-out by 2025. After all, a lot of people are wondering: [...]
Challenge regarding the application of a tax law in the domain of wind turbine
It is common for a municipality to adopt a tax regulation in the event of the presence of wind turbines on its territory. This regulation will in principle tax an amount per mast or per wind turbine, sometimes depending on the power of the latter. The legality of this taxation can be challenged on the basis of several arguments, [...]
Belgian offshore wind energy
On 4 April 2019, the Belgian Parliament adopted a law which establishes the general principles of the competitive bidding procedure (concurrerende inschrijvingsprocedure) for the realisation of new renewable energy projects in the North Sea, such as it is also the case in the neighbouring countries and in accordance with the European state aid rules. By choosing a competitive bidding procedure [...]
Ultimate Beneficial Ownership – tolerance until 31 December 2019 !
You, as a Belgian company, have still time until 30 September 2019 to register you ultimate beneficial owners (UBO’s) in the UBO register. The UBO register is the electronic register managed by the FPS Finance. The UBOs of all companies, (international) non-profit organisations, foundations, trusts and legal entities governed by Belgian law, comparable to a trust or a fiduciary, [...]
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Events! 17.11.2022 – The transfer of business for all in small committee
A didactic and user-friendly overview of an essential theme for enhancing the potential of your entrepreneurial project https://www.eventbrite.be/e/billets-la-cession-dentreprise-pour-tous-en-petit-comite-438972768367 [...]
What are the limitations on the power of the administrative body?
"Internal" restrictions (= affecting the power to take a decision) Restrictions may affect the powers of directors (allocation of competences [...]
The right of withdrawal
A consumer who has concluded a distance or off-premises contract, on an e-shop for example, has a withdrawal period [...]
Constitution of an SRL
read more about the SRL