Entry into force of the prohibition of unfair terms in B2B relations
On 1 December, the provisions of the Code of Economic Law relating to unfair terms in contracts between companies (b2b) came into force. They apply to contracts concluded, renewed or amended from 1 December 2020. Here is a quick overview, presented in a simple way, conducive to a pleasant understanding and effective memorization. In parallel with this scheme, we recommend [...]
What do you need to know or do when launching an e-shop?
Since the beginning of the Coronavirus crisis, confinement obliges, e-commerce has experienced considerable development. For many merchants, there is no alternative: being present on the web and having an e-shop, or an "online store", have become a necessity. Here is a brief overview of the main obligations that a company wishing to launch an e-shop must meet. This [...]
Incorporate a company without making a contribution?
It is essential to make a contribution, but, in the case of the SRL and the SC, there is no longer a legal minimum... The amount to be provided depends on what is sufficient to carry out the planned activity for two years. The financial plan, to be deposited with the notary at the time of incorporation of the company, [...]
Can I sell my shares to anyone if I receive a good offer or decide to leave the company?
By default, if the articles of association are silent on this subject, a shareholder wishing to sell the shares of an SRL must follow an approval procedure. He must obtain the (written) approval of at least half of the shareholders owning at least three quarters of the shares (less those that are the subject of the transfer) (art. 5:63-5:65 CSA). [...]
General meeting of a not-for-profit association (ASBL)
The competences of the general assembly are those vested in it by the law and those expressly attributed to it by the articles of association. The law confers on it the following competences: the amendment of the articles of association; the appointment and dismissal of directors and the determination of their remuneration in cases where remuneration is granted to [...]
the Powers of the General Meeting of the SRL
Powers reserved by law to the General Assembly The powers reserved by law are as follows: with a simple majority rule the approval of the accounts; the appointment, remuneration, dismissal and discharge of the director(s); the exclusion of a shareholder (5:155, §1, par. 2 SHA) the social action (however, the shareholders possessing (all together) a minimum of 10% of the [...]
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Tax regime of a stock option
The granting of subscription rights under a stock option plan by virtue of or in [...]
Gift vouchers
In principle, gifts and vouchers granted by employers to their employees are subject to social security contributions and taxed as [...]
Meal vouchers
In order to pay employees differently, the employer can grant meal vouchers. The principle is that one meal voucher per [...]
Kilometric bicycle allowance
If an employee travels to work by bicycle, the employer can pay a “home-work” allowance. […]