Abuse of economic dependence and unfair terms between companies (B2B)
On 21 March 2019 the Belgian Parliament adopted a Bill that added two concepts to the Belgian Code of Economic Law. On the one hand, the law adds a category of restrictive practices, in addition to agreements restricting competition and abuse of dominant position. From now on, companies will also be prohibited from abusing the economic dependence of another [...]
International trade
It is often the case that an enterprise sources or sells its products abroad. This has been particularly common since the development of e-commerce. In many cases, the commercial activities that the company develops are carried out from the country of origin, i.e. the country where the company carries out its activities, without it setting up in the territory of [...]
New Renewable energy directive (2018/2001/EU)
On 4 December 2018 the revised renewable energy directive 2018/2001/EU entered into force, as part of the general Clean energy for all Europeans package. Hereby the EU adopted one of the most ambitious renewable energy policies in the world aimed at keeping the EU a global leader in renewable energy sources and help the EU meets its GHG (greenhouse [...]
Compliance explained for dummies
What is compliance? Compliance is the set of measures aimed at making actions taken by an organisation in accordance with the standard applicable to the one in question.here. These measures generally include the acquisition of basic documentation, the implementation of adequate training tools and, where applicable, the appointment of a responsible person whose mission content is generally precisely [...]
E² is incorporated and Bert d’Hondt joins the team
Mid-July 2018, JT and Quentin part ways with Lexlitis on very good terms. They decide on the name E².law was found and is being branded. E².law is incorporated in September 2018. Bert D'Hondt joins in September 2018. Refurbishements are carried out in the premises
The premises become vacant
Jean-Théodore and Quentin agree that they should reorientate their law firm development project into another entity and found a new law firm. Simulteneously, Lexlitis announces that they will move in other premisses, thereby vacating the current premises located in the Kings Galeries, for JeanThéodore and Quentin’s long term project.
Quentin arrives at Lexlitis
In 2011, Quentin becomes a partner at Lexlitis and supervises associates in a a business law pratice. Quentin works as external counsel with a prominent american firm and develops a net of business clients located accross various jurisdictions. Between 2013 and 2015 he acts as a managing partner for lexlitis center sprl.
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